Annual report incl. Sustainability Report 2007

2007 was also a year of strong performance for the SKF Group and was the best year in our history – a good start to the second 100 years. Our diluted earnings per share increased by 6.6% to SEK 10.07. The Group’s operating profi t increased by over 12% to SEK 7,539 million, giving an operating margin of 12.9%, and our sales increased by 10.3% in SEK (13.2% in local currencies) to SEK 58,559 million. Cash fl ow was strong and even though over SEK 6.6 billion was returned to our shareholders during the year we remain with a healthy balance sheet. As a result, and based on the continued positive outlook for the Group, the Board will recommend to the shareholders meeting an additional distribution of SEK 5.00, which combined with the ordinary dividend will give a return of SEK 10.00 per share or SEK 4,554 million in total.

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