Nomination Committee 2024/2025

Nomination Committee in front of the Annual General Meeting 2025

In accordance with the Nomination Committee charter adopted at the Annual General Meeting of AB SKF, the following members have, together with the Chair of the Board, been elected to constitute the Nomination Committee in front of the Annual General Meeting 2025

  • Marcus Wallenberg, FAM
  • Philip Ahlgren, Cevian Capital
  • Anders Algotsson, AFA Försäkring
  • Anders Jonsson, Skandia, and
  • Hans Stråberg, Chair of the Board

The Nomination Committee shall remain in office until a new Nomination Committee has been appointed.

Tasks of the Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee is to furnish proposals in the following matters to be presented to, and resolved by, the Annual General Meeting in 2025:

  1. proposal for Chair of the Annual General Meeting
  2. proposal for Board of Directors
  3. proposal for Chair of the Board of Directors
  4. proposal for remuneration to the Board of Directors
  5. proposal for auditor; 
  6. proposal for remuneration to the auditor; 
  7. to the extent deemed necessary, proposal for new instructions for the Nomination Committee

The proposals of the Nomination Committee are at the latest to be published in connection with the notice to the Annual General Meeting 2025.

Proposals from shareholders

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee, may contact the Chair of the Board of AB SKF on e-mail: [email protected]

Annual General Meeting 2025

The Annual General Meeting of AB SKF will be held in Gothenburg on Tuesday, 1 April 2025.

Press release

20240911 Nomination Committee of AB SKF for the Annual General Meeting 2025

Nomination Committee Charter
Annual General Meeting 2025
The Board of Directors