Financial reporting and disclosure
It is the policy of SKF to adhere to applicable legislation and stock market regulations in relation to disclosure of information to the stock market and the shareholders of the company and to provide timely, accurate and reliable disclosure of information.
Financial and sustainability information is issued regularly in the form of
- quarterly reports, published as press releases
- Annual Reports
- press releases on news and all important matters which could materially affect the share price
The Board of Directors is responsible for documenting how the quality of the financial and sustainability reporting is secured and how the Company communicates with its auditor.
The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors by preparatory work to secure the quality of the Company's financial and sustainability reporting. This is, for example, achieved through the Audit Committee's review of the financial and sustainability information and the Company's internal financial controls.
Details of the Board of Directors involvement in the quality review of the financial and sustainability reporting can be found in the annual Corporate Governance Report.