Financial data per quarter


Financial data per year



Adjusted operating profit
Operating profit excluding items affecting comparability.

Average number of employees
Total number of working hours of registered employees, divided by the normal total working time for the period.

Basic earnings per share
Net profit less non-controlling interests divided by the ordinary number of shares.

Currency impact on operating profit
The effects of both translation and transaction flows based on current assumptions and exchange rates compared to the corresponding period last year.

Loans plus provisions for post-employment benefits, net.

Diluted earnings per share
Calculated by using the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period adjusted for all potential dilutive ordinary shares.

Dividends pay-out ratio
Dividends paid in relation to net income for the year the dividend relates to.

EBITA (Earnings before interest, taxes and amortization)
Operating profit before amortizations.

EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)
Operating profit before depreciations, amortizations, and impairments.

Equity/assets ratio
Equity as a percentage of total assets.

Equity per share
Equity excluding non-controlling interests divided by the ordinary number of shares.

Debt as a percentage of the sum of debt and equity.

Items affecting comparability
Significant income/expenses that affects comparability between accounting periods.
This includes, but is not limited to, restructuring costs, impairments and write-offs, currency exchange rate effects caused by devaluations and gains and losses on divestments of businesses.

Net debt
Debt less short-term financial assets excluding derivatives.

Net debt/EBITDA
Net debt, as a percentage of twelve months rolling EBITDA.

Net debt/equity
Net debt, as a percentage of equity.

Net working capital as % of annual sales (NWC)
Trade receivables plus inventory minus trade payables as a percentage of twelve months rolling net sales.

Net worth per share (Equity per share)
Equity excluding non-controlling interests divided by the ordinary number of shares.

Operating margin
Operating profit, as a percentage of net sales.

Operational performance
Includes the effects on operating profit related to changes in organic sales, manufacturing volumes and manufacturing cost and changes in selling and administrative expenses.

Revenue growth
Sales excluding effects of currency and divested businesses.

P/E ratio
Share price at year end divided by basic earnings per share.

Registered number of employees
Total number of employees included in SKF’s payroll at the end of the period.

Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Operating profit plus interest income, as a percentage of twelve months rolling average of total assets less the average of non-interest bearing liabilities.

Return on equity (ROE)
Net income as a percentage of twelve months rolling average of equity.

Turnover of total assets
Net sales in relation to twelve-month rolling average of total assets.

Total value added (TVA)
TVA is the operating profit, less the pre-tax cost of capital. The pre-tax cost of capital is based on a weighted cost of capital with a risk premium of 6% above the risk-free interest rate.